The Call of Christmas is more than just the story of Jesus’ arrival.

As we begin the 4th Sunday of Advent we look at the story of the Angels that appeared to the shepherds  in Luke 2. 

The story of the shepherds is a story for all.  It is significant that God uses the lowest class of that ancient society, the shepherds, in the public announcement of the coming of the Messiah.  God will not exclude any people from His good news.  It 

We get to be like the shepherds, telling the story of Jesus as we go about our day and our way of life whatever domain we happen to work and live within in society. And the shepherds did so as they praised the One whom they met in the manger.  That is the call of Christmas. It is a call to praise.

We also heard from one shepherd , Fred Horton, in a monologue that takes a fictional look at the story of a shepherd who was there when the angels proclaimed the birth of Christ, yet chose to stay behind rather than see the Savior.

This Christmas may we be the people, like the shepherds long ago, who carry the good news of Jesus into all the domains of society so all the people of the earth can hear this call of Christmas that leads to praising Jesus just like the heavenly host did that night and continue to do throughout eternity.

So as we prepare our homes, church, communities and workplaces for CHRISTmas, may we invest time preparing our hearts for the Advent of the King. Trimming the tree, stringing lights on the house, hanging the wreaths, lighting the candles, cooking the Christmas foods, singing the Christmas carols and enjoying the festivities of the season are preparations that are meant to be savored.