t's a simple prayer...in fact it is the only prayer is the book of Proverbs.
It is only 3 verses that comprise and honest request from a little-known biblical author named Agur.
These simple words offer life-changing potential. Have you found your sweet spot in life? This final installment looks at the various seasons of life...and unpack how to live in those difficult times when we're "in life's hallways...".
A short conversation with Mark Zimmerman an Gabe Collins - Hosts of Mornings with Mark & Gabe on http://www.heartfeltradio.org
A closing thought from a conversation with Tom Roepke and Jace Wolford . 
#PrayerofAgur #Agur #LifeBalance #Proverbs30 #Ecclesiastes3 #WorkLifeBalance #WonderAndBalance