Welcome to episode seventy-two of the Low Tide Boyz - A Swimrun Podcast!

We got something pretty awesome for you in this show. Unless you were living under a rock that didn’t have wifi access this past weekend, then you probably heard about the EX Swimrun’s Ark Supersprint event. This was a first of its kind event in the sport and we have the race director mastermind behind this event, Nicholas Roman, on the show to chat all about it!

We’re super stoked for this one! More on that interview later in the show.

Training Update

The irony was crushing this past weekend as we decided to go for a 2-hour Swimrun practice at a beach with notoriously low tide muck a couple of hours before low tide. Anyway, the tide was too low! On the brightside we didn’t lose any shoes in the muck. Onward and upward though.


This week we are shouting out Justin Searcy. He’s been through our old catalog of shows and he slid into our DM’s with some great ear plug recommendations for Chris. Super cool of you for reaching out Justin. 

Feats of Endurance

This week’s winner is Marie Anderzen. We think that it’s only fitting that this week’s winner be somebody from our Strava Club that competed in the EX Ark Supersprint event over the weekend. Great job out there Marie!

Make sure to join the LTBz Strava Club and get inspired by your fellow Swimrunners as they train all over the world.

This Week in Swimrun (Powered by Raceid.com)

We have a lot of Swimrun news to share this week.

As we already mentioned, the sport of Swimrun saw something novel happen over the weekend. EX Swimrun hosted the ARK Supersprint Invitational. This was the world’s first Swimrun Supersprint. The course was super short: 1.2km in total distance, and consisted of two running legs of 1000m total with a 200m swim leg in the middle. Probably as a surprise to no one, Desirée Andersson, won for the Women’s side. On the Men’s side Max Andersson took first place.

Our friends at Swimrun Portugal recently announced that a new race, the Lagoa Swimrun, will be taking place on October 31st. This race looks like it hugs the southern coastline of the city of Lagoa in the Algarve region and our super extensive internet research (30 seconds on Google) showed us that this location looks to be an incredible location for a Swimrun. Registration isn’t open yet so make sure you are following them on Instagram to get details on that.

In local news, the next two Swimrun events in the U.S. look like they will definitely be happening. The Bellingham Swimrun, hosted by Quest Races and friend of the pod Brent Molsberry, is scheduled to happen on Sunday, June 6th. Get all the details on their website.

A week later, the PBR Swimrun Knox event is happening on Sunday, June 13th in Knoxville, Tennessee (in case that wasn’t obvious.) This race has long (17.2 total miles) and short course (8.2 total miles) options so something for everyone. Registration is open now so head on over to their website to learn more.

That’s it for this week. Feel free to email us to tip us off to any events or Swimrun news that you’d like for us to share on the show.


Our latest episode of Gear Talk with the Swimrun Labs is out. We reviewed the NU Orzo Swimrun Pull Buoy and we all thought it was great...or did we? Only way to find out is to check it out!

We have a couple of discounts to share with folks. Looking to race an Ödyssey Swimrun race this year? Use the code LOWTIDE15 for 15% off your registration. We anticipate all the races selling out so don’t wait! 

Looking to dial in your hydration strategy? Our friends at Precision Hydration set up the discount code LOWTIDE21 for 15% off of your order. That code is good through the end of May so don’t wait if you want to stock up for the Summer. We did!

As a programing alert, we will be taking over Ödyssey Swimrun’s Instagram feed next week and frankly we’re impressed that they let us do it again! Anyway, we are going to be doing a bunch of cool stuff on there all week long (including giving away prizes) so stay tuned for that.


It was great to get to chat with Nicholas Roman, Co-Founder or EX Swimrun, about ARK Supersprint that happened over the weekend. Not only was it a cool event, it was obvious from listening to Nicholas just how super stoked he was with how it turned out. In this interview we discuss everything about this new race from how they came up with the idea, to location, to format, and ultimately, to race day. We also chatted with Nicholas about the other events that EX Swimrun has for the rest of the year. All in all, this interview was jam packed with enthusiasm for the future of Swimrun while we celebrated the birth of a new iteration of the sport.

Make sure to check out EX Swimrun’s website for photos of the Supersprint event and learn about everything else that they are cooking up. You can also follow them on Instagram.

That’s it for this week’s show. If you are enjoying the Löw Tide Böyz, be sure to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast player and leave us a five-star review. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, and on YouTube. You can also follow our meme page on Instagram. Email us at [email protected] with any feedback and/or suggestions. Finally, you can support our efforts on Patreon…if you feel so inclined.

Thank you for listening and see you out there!

-  Chip and Chris