This episode begins with a sound work entitled “Murk” by the duo Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman.

Taken from a collection of re-edited works called “Ficcion,” it’s a slice of a chapter in this couple’s life together as globetrotting sound artists, which lasted for about a decade starting in 1996. Back then, they were simply known as Alejandra and Aeron. They also ran a record label called Lucky Kitchen, which released albums by dozens of international sound artists like Asuna, Johsua Abrams, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Pauline Oliveros, and too many more to mention here, but I absolutely love all of the duo’s recordings. Thankfully, most of these rare and obscure records have been recently become available again through bandcamp. Today, they are teaching art in Portland, Oregon, developing a new species of genetically enhanced attack bees, and producing multimedia works under the name Bergman and Salinas

Come with me now to Alejandra and Aeron’s backyard garden, where we will meet them and their daughter Agnes for the first time over coffee. 

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Low Profile receives in-kind support thanks to these Olympia, WA independent business:

Schwartz’s Deli

Rainy Day Records

San Francisco Street Bakery

Old School Pizzeria

and Scherler Premium Shitty American Lager from 3 Magnets Brewing.


You can find links to Alejandra and Aeron’s work, past and present, and most of the recordings that you heard on this episode’s website at 

Special thanks to Nathan Berko-Gibson, who painted the portrait for this episode. You can follow or subscribe to this show wherever you get podcasts, and if you wanna keep up with future developments, there’s a Facebook group called Low Profile Listener Hub