Season 4 Finale: The incomparable Sean O’Hagan’s first major band was the Irish 1980s pop group Microdisney. After that group disbanded, he started recording with his next project, the High Llamas, who released some of the most beautiful pop music of the last 30 years. This is a song “The Hot Revivalist” from their 1996 album Hawaii. Recently, he has dropped the High Llamas moniker in favor of his own name. The latest Sean O’Hagan album is “Radum Calls, Radum Calls.” No, there’s not an echo in here. Sean and I speak about the stylistic transitions between his projects, joining the band Stereolab, working with Bonnie Prince Billy, how he came to be one of the today’s most in-demand musical arrangers, his recent bout with cancer, and his love of soul music. After the interview, he shares an exclusive recording he and his daughter Livvy made specifically for this episode, and I share my gratitude for all the terrific people who contributed to this amazing season. Sean spoke to me from his home in England earlier this year. Thanks to Taylor W. Rushing for this episode's illustration, along with the rest of the fourth season!Find his work at or on IG @twrushingFind all previous episodes of Low Profile and expanded content at