This episode’s guest, Lee Martin, is a specialised dietitian who became part of the low FODMAP diet research team in London King's College, contributing to the research and development of the diet.

Currently, he works as a specialist gastroenterology dietitian at the University College London Hospital where he provides group education on the low FODMAP diet.

Lee has also published the book “Re-challenging and Reintroducing FODMAPs” which is the first book ever written that is completely dedicated to the reintroduction phase of the low FODMAP diet. 

Lee has not been diagnosed with IBS, but suffers from functional gut symptoms and has followed the Low FODMAP diet, to understand more about the practicality of the diet and to improve his symptoms. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

Lee's involvement with the low FODMAP diet research team at King's College London. Why Lee wanted to try the low FODMAP diet, even without IBS diagnosis. What is Lee’s “Re-challenging and Reintroduction of FODMAPs” book all about? What are the general guidelines and protocols for doing the re-challenging phase of the low FODMAP diet? What is the difference between re-challenging and reintroduction? What is meant by a three-day re-challenging and what is the best procedure? What is a washout period all about? Will it ever be possible to eat the foods that trigger your IBS symptoms again? Do we need to stay on the low FODMAP diet forever? What are some useful travelling tips for IBS sufferers on the low FODMAP diet? What are some of the newest developments in the research of the low FODMAP diet? and more....

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