- Featuring special guest Justy!

- An announcement about the future of the show in 2021...

- The Christmas World Cup Finals

- Plus YOUR questions!

@KentoCCFC: Desert island - you get one dessert delivered a day 


Profiteroles or Tiramisu

Sticky toffee pudding or Cheesecake

Chocolate cake or a McFlurry 

Brownie or Dominos Cookies 

Apple pie or Rocky Road

Angel Delight or Swiss Roll

Cupcakes or Rice Krispie buns/cakes


@davebandana: I heard that Oscar Issac could be cast as Solid Snake for the upcoming MGS movie.


So what I'd like to know is if the movie is based on the 1st game, who would you like to see cast in the other significant roles of the movie?


@chloe_lynch: Out of all the Christmas movies, which one would you like to star in?


@TerryVsMartina: what was your favourite football game to play with the gang


I would love to play heads and volleys right now with the old gang


Heads & Volleys vs Whisper team 2 goalkeeper vs Walls vs World Cup


@Wolfoftheboro: Chances in the WCQs for Qatar 22 based off Monday’s draw? I think it’s the best group we could’ve hoped for, Portugal hit-miss despite individual talents (ignore the fluke of 2016) and Serbia no longer a team of stars.. Best Draw at the wrong time?


@RosscomDan: Overrated or Underrated 


- Turnbuckle Pads

- Cheese 

- Dogs

- Zoom 

- Wrestling Managers 

- Guinness

- Premier League 

- Wrestling Lock-up 

- Electric Picnic 



@joestodge: what was considered cool when you were young, but you wouldn’t be caught doing/wearing nowadays? 


Honourable mention goes out to Smoking, super baggy jeans, bebo/MySpace and prank phone calls


@Bryanamaniac: AEW did  Winter is Coming last week . It got me thinking about Game Of Thrones. My question is what 7 active wrestling promotions would you consider to be part of the Seven Kingdoms of Pro Wrestling?


@luchacasey: Would yous like to see Darren Kearney vs Mattress Mick in the future


@niallmck2002: What would be some impact v aew dream matches? Also do you like this new partnership of sorts?


@eoin_davis1: I once found sources for, researched, and wrote a 3000 word college essay in 4 hours because I hadn’t realised up to that point that the essay was due that day. What’s something that shouldn’t have been doable but you pulled off anyway


@seanmacsamhrain: Are there any lies you were told by a mate that you wished were true, especially when you were a child or teenager? Mine would be after SpiderMan3 came out one of my mates said a new SpiderMan was gonna be made where Drake Bell was gonna be SpiderMan


@Spudinho90: €1000000 but for the rest of your life anytime you misplace something it disappears and is gone forever. So basically anytime you think bollocks what did I do with the remote, my phone/ my keys etc it’s gone forever. Only applies to inanimate objects so no losing pets or people


@SimpsonsWWE: whats been your worst ever experience with the general public? 


had loads but one that sticks out was a woman who flicked a poo out the leg of her trousers while packing her bag at a nearby till it was discovered when the next customer slipped in it