Coronavirus or not, Rick, Cian and Katey (with occasional interjections from Phil Boyd) are back over Skype to record an Ask Low Blows and react to a brand new world of wrestling and how weird it all feels. Plus your questions...

@DeclanByrne31: with no pubs open no league of Ireland no wrestling I have nothing to keep me busy how are yous all coping with this cornavirus crisis

@eoin_davis1: I bought a bed last week. What was the first proper adult purchase you made

@gavindonnelly01: Will reigns get cheers piped in when the fireworks go off as he lifts the title at mania

@IrishSlamDan: What is your favourite word to use and what is your favourite word to say?

My fav word to use is : behoove 

My fav word to say is:  lozenge

@joestodge: what is the most head wrecking kids cartoon you’ve ever seen and why.

Peppa pig does my head in, they treat the father like an utter moron.

@cluelessnerd: Is there any show that you cant bring yourself to rewatch after watching the finale Example, I cant bring myself to watch the last episode of How I Met Your Mother again yet I can watch it right up until the last episode, the ending was such a cop out

@Alantar: Not a fan of the WHAT chants myself, Vince hates the ONE FALL chant.

What wrestling chant deserves to be banned from wrestling forever

@spudinho90: A million euro but anytime you’re in a bus/car/bike every traffic light you come up to goes red just as you get there for the rest of your life.

@tkenny2622: Queen vs cian is Rick will pick out 7 wrestle mania main eventers, and humn their theme song. Whoever gets it first gets the point. First to 4 wins.