@KentoCCFC: Hell In A Cellbridge!


@Butch_CTK: For Cian. Who would win in a fight WALTER OR Ian Harte?

@cluelessnerd: thoughts on the first episode of Loki?

I think it's already the most intriguing marvel TV show and think it'll have the biggest impact on the wider MCU going forward. Also think Loki is the mvp of the MCU

@seanmacsamhrain: Why is Loki an “Umbrella Academy” clone?

@jmolloy1985: who is someone you are surprised never became a genuinely huge mainstream star? For example I’m a big Marina & the diamonds fan & while her fan base is loyal it’s not gonna bother the 3 arena soon but would sell out Olympia easy, new album great btw

@Eoin_Davis1: Is there a movie or show that you watched that stuck with you for ages? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Bo Burnham’s “inside” for the last 2 weeks.

@joestodge: Considering that NXT-UK is no longer canon since the commentary team hadn’t got a clue who Piper Niven (viper) was on raw, where else/what else in wrestling would you like things to be considered non-canon?

@davebandana: I saw a seagull steal a lady's hamburger on Grafton St last week. So what I'd like to know is what is the funniest thing that you've ever seen an animal/pet do?

@SimpsonsWWE: What’s your snobbiest opinion?

Mine is lads that into shops topless are absolutely disgusting.

@spudinho90: €1000000 but you have to get a tattoo of cock and balls across your face just below the eyes so it can’t be covered by a hat, facial hair, mask etc. The tattoo stays for 10 years and then disappears for ever or you can have it disappear when you’re at work but it then stays for 20 years you get the cash the second you get the tattoo not after the 10/20 years and again can’t pay to remove it

@RoscommDan: A 4 vs 4 elimination match in the wrestling ring from Shrek….who wins and in what order are people eliminated?