Rick discusses how he feels about OTT after the latest wave of anger.

@KentoCCFC: Big Mac or Whopper

KFC or Nando's

Dealz or EuroGiant

A 99 or a McFlurry

Sausages or rashers

Smoothie or milkshake

Spicebag or 3in1

Pasta or rice

Steak or burgers

Ketchup or mayonnaise

Onions or peppers


(May have been hungry when tweeting this)

@midget_mammy: If you were on death row and had one last meal. Starter, main dessert.

@davebandana: I just so happened to have watched The Next Karate Kid starring Hilary Swank during the weekend.

So what I'd like to know is other than Cobra Kai at the moment, what are your favourite martial arts themed movies, TV series and video games?

@mitchellc94: just started watching umbrella academy and thought robert Sheehan's character reminded me of something. My question to you now is, will you ever be able to get this out of your head now?

@Bryanamaniac: what is your favourite wrestling championship title of all time?

@seanmacsamhrain: Who are the members of Retribution and why are they Dominick Mysterio, Dom Tuck and the 4 members of the Spirit Squad that aren’t Kenny Dykstra.

@cluelessnerd: with kayfabe being dead for years when was the last time a story line got you hooked to the point you forgot that it was?

For me it was MITB 2011, I was so invested in the story I thought CM Punk wasn’t coming back at all after winning the title

@wolfoftheboro: If you could change one detail to make a famous/infamous moment in wrestling more iconic, what would it be? Either something minor or prominent - Like Punk coming out to Cult of Personality at MiTB 2011, or Mr Kennedy actually being the illegitimate son in 2008.

@RoscommDan: What’s your fav time travel theory?

-BTTF...going back changes the future

-End Game..going back creates parallel time line

-Terminator..the past, present, future already written, nothing can change it

Or any other?

@SimpsonsWWE: who was the bigger piece of shit? Grandpa joe or Jenny??

@Eoin_Davis1: Watching big year in big school made me realise that my incredibly strong hatred for children would more than likely stop me from being a teacher. What regular jobs could you just never do?

@joestodge: what are your most ridiculous memories of the Celtic tiger? Mine was being offered a 110% mortgage on 300k apartment based on overtime and future earnings. I was a 2nd year apprentice at the time getting €305 a week

@roversareback: There is a football tournament set up for people who have podcasts and they can pick people who listen to be in the team who is in the starting 11 for the lowblows team

winning team gets 1 million euro

@stagmor13: What's Cian the nfl experts take on week 1 of the nfl and how does he see week 2 playing out.