Things got a bit froggy over the weekend. With smoke still rising from dozens of major U.S. cities, many people are asking the question: Is violence necessary to suppress the violence of antifa? Michael S. Rozeff has a thoughtful response.
Few people know more about the kind of depravity that antifa is capable of than Andy Ngo. He has a timely essay on how the far left has perfected the art of rioting.
Project Veritas has been warning us for some time about the ambitions of the far left militants. But what are the underlying reasons for our present chaos? Annie Holmquist has some answers.
The president has indicated that he's ready to designate antifa as a terrorist organization. Looking at the immediate and potential long-term consequences, this is both good and bad news.
The Utah Business Revival managed to pull off a terrific event over the weekend. We'll discuss why it succeeded even after being hounded by various authorities in two separate locations.


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