Is science the panacea that some public officials want us to believe it is? California governor Gavin Newsome is learning some painful truths about the limits of science as a basis for public policy.
How much should public choice enter into the remedies to address a pandemic? David S. D'Amato has a great explanation of public choice theory and how needn't place higher faith in government than we do in our fellow man.
If there's a silver lining to the challenges we've been going through lately, it's that difficult times almost always bring lessons. Michael Tennant has 6 things that the COVID-19 panic has taught us. Let's hope we're not slow learners.
If you've found yourself marveling at the way that many in authority have responded to COVID-19, you may also have wondered, how would the founders have handled such a crisis? Lawrence W. Reed has a terrific essay on what their priorities would have been.


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