* Despite shelter-in-place orders for San Francisco residents, which includes the closing of non-essential businesses, cannabis dispensaries will continue to stay open, the San Francisco Department of Public Health announced.
* The Trump administration says individuals and businesses will be allowed to delay paying their 2019 tax bills for 90 days past the usual April 15 deadline. The extension announced Tuesday is an effort to inject up to $300 billion into the economy at a time when the coronavirus appears on the verge of causing a recession.
* ‘F***’ Trump’s ‘National Day Of Prayer’: Rashida Tlaib Pushes Nasty Message On Social Media, Backtracks.
* Medicare will immediately expand coverage for telemedicine nationwide to help seniors stay home.
* Shiva Ayyadurai, a MIT PhD reveals sinister theory about coronavirus – Warns of ‘fear mongering’ to advance ‘Deep State’ – WND.com.


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