Hour 1

* Guest: James Edwards – Race, Politics & Hypocrisy in 21st Century America – thepoliticalcesspool.org

* Operation Destroy Agency – Sadly Well Under Way!

* Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings or actions onto a different person, animal, or object.

* Book: The Honorable Cause – A Free South, Twelve Southern Essays!

* Persona non grata, Unauthorized Flags: Gadsden Flag, Don’t Tread On Me! – Flag of the Confederate States of America!

* Battle Flag: The rainbow flag (with the 7 colors of the spectrum.

* LGBTQ groups across the US consider a new flag meant to be more inclusive of the transgender community and people of color!

* A new commentary at The Federalist is warning that June, “Pride”
month is becoming something much more sinister – ‘Your children will
have the same worldview as Greta Thunberg, and you will be happy’ In
fact, mandatory!

* ‘Godlessness’: Super popular Christian TV show defends gay-pride
flag on set – ‘Unapologetically supports sexual depravity and has no
problem promoting homosexuality’ – WND.com, DailyCaller.com

* “The Chosen” defended having a pride flag on set after facing criticism on social media.

* Jon Root, a Christian conservative commentator and Turning Point
USA contributor, tweeted out screenshots of a behind-the-scenes YouTube
video showing a pride flag on the set of The Chosen, and asked why the
pride flag was there. The Chosen Twitter account replied saying that “we
will work with anyone on our show.”

* Fox News Has Gone Full Woke with Gender Rules – Daily Signal, the
Fox News employee handbook has been imposing woke gender rules on its
staff for at least two years, since the rules were published in 2021.

Hour 2

* Go Woke, Go Broke!

* Chick-fil-A goes WOKE, commits to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion agenda!

* Bud Light sales continue to plunge because of the boycott inspired
by the brand’s advertising partnership with transgender influencer Dylan

* Associated Press magically changes facts in Target story Agency claimed ‘violence’ in Target controversy – WND.com

* Has the Associated Press morphed from news reporting into issue advocacy?

* Target has joined companies like Disney in the grooming of small
children by prematurely exposing them to adult sexuality, homosexuality,
transvestites, transsexuals, and drag queens. Any individual or
corporation that launches a campaign to prematurely sexualize children
is guilty of child abuse, is a threat to children, and is undoubtedly
grooming them for abuse.” – Breitbart.com

* “June is now Pride Month in America, an unconscionably stupid and
disgusting celebration of what two percent of the population do with
their sex organs. As if that is not bad enough, corporations like Disney
and Target use Pride Month as an excuse to groom children. Target is so
dedicated to this degeneracy; it partnered with a Satanist.”

* Target Is Lying To You – Target: “We removed Satanic items”.

* Target tries to hide ‘trans’ and LGBT ‘pride’ clothing for kids,
but conservative videos expose the con – Stock collapsing: ‘We are the
majority, we are winning!’ Peter LaBarbera, WND.com

* Target stock has just COLLAPSED to its lowest trading value in a YEAR with no end in sight.

* Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing!

* Move over, Disney & Bud Light. Here’s the new No. 1 Target!

* Parts of the Target collection were created in partnership with
“trans” designer Erik Carnell, whose references to Satan to push
pro-trans themes quickly caught the attention of pro-family critics.

* The “pride” displays – like those in many other corporate retail
chains, including Walmart and Meijer stores – are linked to Target’s
annual June LGBT “pride month” celebrations.

* Common sense Americans are standing up for themselves and committing to ACTION – Get woke, go broke!

* If that doesn’t give you a reason to boycott Target, I don’t know what does.


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