Hour 1

* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley, Founder and Chairman of the Constitution
Commemoration Foundation and the author of the book and DVD/CD lecture
series “To Preserve the Nation.” In the Tradition of the Founding
Fathers – FreedomsRisingSun.com

* Happy Memorial Day, The commitment, courage, and sacrifice of those
who gave their lives to secure freedom for their fellow citizens should
never be taken for granted. For too many, the upcoming Memorial Day
weekend will signify little more than the beginning of summer, a day off
work, and cookouts – Tim Wildmon, President, American Family
Association – AFA.net

* Sadly, honoring fallen heroes is not commonplace any longer, and
unless future generations are taught that their freedom was purchased at
a great price, the true meaning of Memorial Day itself may become
nothing more than a memory.

* May God continue to bless America on behalf of those who gave their lives for her.

* Please take time with family and friends on this Memorial Day to
reflect on the cost of freedom and our responsibility to defend and
promote it.

* We The People Need To Learn To Reject Slice At A Time Communism!

* Summer starts – should gals go sexy or modest? – Larry Tomczak urges biblical standards for clothing pleasing to God – WND.com

* Short shorts? Bikinis? Sprayed-on yoga pants? Does it really matter as temperatures rise and summer starts?

* “Dear sisters, as summer approaches, it is so important to be
mindful of your clothing choices. Please prioritize dressing modestly in
the fear of God, and being considerate of your brothers in Christ.”

* Let’s help our young women learn to discern the deception of pop
culture advocating “empowerment.” Remember, modest attire starts in the
heart, not a dress code. Let’s focus on the abundant life Jesus

* Let’s ask: “Who dictates my wardrobe – worldly magazines, movies
and models, or the Word of God, which calls me to be (as a woman): 1.
feminine, 2. modest, 3. appropriate?

* “Bikinis are closer to nudity than swimwear. Women, please cover up
– especially Christian women. Sisters, be mindful of the conscience of
your brothers in the Lord. If you cause your brother to sin, you played a

* Scripture clearly reveals the direction Jesus gave us to never “look on a woman to lust after her” (Matt. 5:28)

Hour 2

* Guest: Lowell Nelson – CampaignForLiberty.org, RonPaulInstitute.org

* The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the
great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign
policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots

* Biden’s Running Out of Ukraine Money? Good – Ron Paul.

* US Intervention Leaves Rifts That Take Years to Heal – Brian Berletic.

* US interventionist activity creates rifts and scars that take years
if not decades to heal. “There is also the economic desolation left
behind, forcing a country to rebuild its economy often from the ground

* Our Biggest Threat – Jacob G. Hornberger, RonPaulInstitute.org

* Book Review: “Empire of Lies” – Paul Craig Roberts, LewRockwell.com

* Treason against the United States!

* Arizona Counties Constrained by Its Legislature – TheGatewayPundit.com


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