Hour 1

* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley, Founder and Chairman of the Constitution
Commemoration Foundation and the author of the book and DVD/CD lecture
series “To Preserve the Nation.” In the Tradition of the Founding
Fathers – FreedomsRisingSun.com

* Guest: Richard Mack Founder and President of CSPOA – A partnership
between citizens and local law enforcement, especially sheriffs. Mack
encourages those not in law enforcement to stand with their sheriffs. –

* Operation Destroy Agency – Well Under Way!

* Ammon Bundy: What Are We To Do?

* CSPOA Article: There Is No Liberty with Innocents in Prison!

* Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes is sentenced to 18 years in
prison and 3 years of supervised release for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy
– federal judge said Rhodes presents “an ongoing threat” to American

* Fact: Rhodes did not enter the Capitol building.

* US District Court Judge Amit Mehta, applied enhanced terrorism penalties to Rhodes.

* The House Ethics Committee cleared Rep. Eric Swalwell of wrongdoing
in his ties to Chinese spy Christine Fang, – The Committee will take
“no further action” against Swalwell.

* America Has Become So Divided That Foreign Threats No Longer Unite the Nation – Epoch TV.

Hour 2

* Joshua Philipp of Crossroads: Are Americans Losing the Will to Fight?

* Biden administration lumps Christians, Republicans, Nazis all
together – Media Research Center calls for investigations – Bob Unruh,

* This is unprecedented in American history. Not only is the regime
targeting its political opponents and jailing hundreds of Trump
supporters but they have broadened their targeted population to include
Christians, the report said.

* “The Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group, obtained
documents through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests showing a
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program meant to fight terrorism
is funding a group whose work has explicitly targeted the American
political right. The MRC outlined its findings in a report, arguing what
the group found warrants criminal prosecution,” the report said.

* The MRC’s Brent Bozell said, “This terrorism task force is engaged
in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative,
and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars.

* “What we have uncovered calls for criminal prosecution. The
American people need to know those who are abusing their positions in
the federal government will be held accountable for their criminal

* At what point will Americans wake up and understand they the country is in the middle of a Marxist takeover?

* The Rare and Distinct Crime of Seditious Conspiracy.

* Treason is a unique crime in the United States because it is the
only one defined in the Constitution, and the founders wrote it
narrowly: ‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in
levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them
aid and comfort.


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