Hour 1

* Guest: Chris Carlson – Without God, we can never win, With God, we  can never lose, The Battle for Freedom is the Lord’s, but we need to be  engaged in the fight! – Discussion of All Things Liberty.

* Let’s review the Lord’s blessings on the head of Joseph – The Jews Get Honorable Mention.

* Another confirmation of the tribe of Joseph’s birthright blessing,  through the loins of Ephraim, can be found in the Book of Jeremiah: I am  a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

* Do you know why Rueben’s birthright was taken from him and given to Joseph?

* The name of Joseph and his lineage through Ephraim plays a  prominent role in world history. Even though these twelve tribes have  been lost to history, they have not been lost from the knowledge of God.  The great promises made to each one of the original twelve tribes of  Israel have been and will be fulfilled in God’s own due time.

* Why do our “Christian” leaders tell us that we are mere gentiles, while modern-day Jews are God’s chosen people?

* The Jewish Mossad’s motto is, “By way of deception, thou shalt do  war.” Through the use of massive amounts of financial resources, and  deception, modern-day Jewry has managed to infiltrate our Christian  churches imposing upon them the doctrine of Dispensationalism. This  perverted philosophy asserts that the only way that Christians can get  to heaven is by serving the Zionist Jews.

* We do not blame Zionist Jews for what foolish Christians, who outnumber them one-hundred to one, allow them to do.

* Fact: Hundreds of millions of people living in the world today are literal genetic descents of Abraham.

Hour 2

* Guest: Dr. Scott Bradley – To Preserve The Nation – FreedomsRisingSun.com

* The Abrahamic Covenant: A Blessing for All People! – Gospel Covenants Bring Promised Blessings.

* Our Founding Fathers believed devoutly that there was a God and  that the inalienable rights of man were rooted – not in the state, nor  the legislature, nor in any other human power – but in God alone.

* Our Founding Fathers Understood the Covenant of the Promised Land.

* God’s Laws are higher than man’s laws.

* Only a Virtuous People are Capable of Freedom!

* America Is Still A Covenant Land.


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