In this episode, Jenn and Matt are hopping on the nerve-racking trend and reacting to YOUR assumptions about them both as individuals, as well as their relationship. They're also answering your questions and sharing insights and wisdom learned from navigating the darkest aspects of relationships and coming through stronger on the other side.

In this episode we talk about feeling misunderstood and judged based on appearances, healing from infidelity, addiction, and finding the balance of masculine and feminine energies inside of ourselves and inside of the relationship.

Please be sure to tag us @dr.jennchrisman and @paleoviking on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word if you or someone you know has benefited from this episode. We love hearing from you and would love to hear about your experience as you listened. Also, it would mean the absolute world to us if you would take a few moments to leave an honest review on iTunes.

And, if you have a question you would like answered, CLICK HERE to send an anonymous message.

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