Whether you know it or not, you are influencing your health and wellbeing with every breath you take. Your breath sends signals to your body and your mind informing each moment of what you perceive and experience in your life. In this solo episode, Dr. Jenn shares about the powerful medicine that is your own breath and how when we bring conscious, directed attention to our breathing we can change our state of being and experience more of what we desire in the world.

This episode provides an understanding of the Autonomic Nervous System and why it is critical that we learn to work with this ancient human technology to support and upgrade our modern living. 

She shares simple practices you can experiment with right now, in just a few minutes, to experience the total shift and change in your felt state.

The beauty and the magic of the breath is that it is always here and always available to us...and if you are interested in exploring Breathwork and it's various practices further you can find more information about Dr. Jenn's membership program The Embodied Life Experience at:
