(Originally released May 08, 2020)

The King of Big Dog style, Lariats and Light Beers, the Southern Psycho, Mance Warner joins Spencer Love to discuss:

His Loser Leaves MLW match with MJF

How it feels to perform in front of an empty arena

The first time he got punched in the face

The importance of authenticity

Why he feels he stands out in MLW

If he feels he's underrated due to his wrestling style

The need for trust in deathmatches

Beginning his training at 25

Learning from Billy Roc

What's allowed him to succeed thus far

Comparisons to Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dusty Rhodes

Which of his nicknames means the most

His favourite people to drink with

The most unique weapon he's ever had used against him

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Mance Warner

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Instagram: @Mance_Warner

PWT: Mancer

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