Previous Episode: The Unworkable

We return to the podcast world today in a new series. The topic is the Deceitfulness of Good. We’re approaching this subject from multiple perspectives. Denée will be coming form the 9 perspectives of the Enneagram and Doug will be coming from theology and world religion using the Spiral.
The human being is so complex in our make up. We are the sum total of many different elements and life conditions. All of us experience transformation in some way every day of our lives.

The past year has been challenging on many different levels. We will discuss the global human longing for moving from chaos to unity.

All of our tools for transformation must include our individual and personal growth as well as our growth in relationships, groups and collectives. The more tools we have the more likely we can experience positive transformation no matter what challenges present themselves.

#Enneagram #SpiralDynamics #Integral #UnityConsciousness #Transreligious #Spirituality #SpiritualButNotReligious #universalidentity #UniversalHumanity #Transformation