We are excited to share this information about the upcoming November meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the International Enneagram Association. While we miss the personal fellowship we are excited to be able to come together via Zoom. Registration is open to everyone! If you are a member of the Georgia Chapter there is no registration fee and if you are not a member it's only $10.00 . You can register:

IEA Georgia Registration Page

"Spiral Dynamics and the Enneagram are two distinct models that integrate in a unique way. Spiral Dynamics is a system describing the function and structure of various cultural worldviews. It gives valuable insight into understanding the dynamics in seemingly divisive perspectives. The Enneagram of Personality offers unique insight into the dynamics of the relationships we value with others by exploring our own individual perspectives. Common to both of these systems is the emphasis on wholeness and integrating overlooked components to our experience individually and collectively. We expect this program to inform growth in ways that enhance our current practices and expand the applications of these practices into the various and distinct groups that compose our culture. By examining the type of organization and the values that distinguish them, we may understand our personal alignment with and our role within these organizations. This understanding contributes to the betterment of the collective from a place of personal strength and development. Knowing our orientation to what is around us, allows us to contribute personally to real change in the collective daily contexts in which we contribute.”