Sarah Paulk is a journalist, writer, author, friend, cousin, wife, mom and Enneagram 6 and that's just a glimpse into who she truly is! Each descriptor is simply an aspect of Sarah because, as we all know, we are more than the sum of our parts. In this episode Sarah shares how she came to discover she is an Enneagram type 6 but originally thought she was a type 1. She reminds us why just taking a test can lead you to the wrong answer! She explains how understanding the uniqueness of this gift serves all aspects of her life and what actions she took with the unexpected turn of events in 2020 including Covid19. Sarah says, "my husband, Brock, is an Enneagram Type 1 and he wants to do the pandemic right. I’m a 6 and I’m fearful of the consequences of doing it wrong." Ahhh - and that's why people's behavior may look the same at times but the motives are completely different!

Want to WATCH this conversation? See it HERE on YouTube! :-)

Read Sarah's article on "The Enneagram at Work" in Success magazine!

For more information on Sarah's work visit her website:

Sarah Paulk

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