Ashlee Sikorski is an ICF Certified Team Development Coach working with organizations to boost productivity and build an advantageous team culture. She is also the founder of the Nine Shapes Project which aims to bring more curious conversations around the Enneagram to the world. 

She is such a great example of how we can easily mistype through a one-time, online test. About a year after taking an Enneagram online test she began a more thorough study, going a little deeper, reading more thorough descriptions of the types. When she read the description of her true type (type 4) she literally began crying. "I felt known", she said. 

Her then boyfriend (now husband) identified as a type 5. Ashlee realized and said, "the Enneagram put language around these two temperaments in relationship."

Ashlee shares how the idea for Nine Shapes came to be and how the cliché art associated with Enneagram types lead her to realize that those typical symbols are within all of us. We all cry - which might be associated with a type 4. We all like to win - not just type 3. Everyone likes to have fun - not just the type 7! So she and friend, Leah Lavelle created the beautiful shapes which lead to the idea for the Conversational Card called "Nine Shapes". 

Finally, Ashlee shares her work with "The Adoption Triad" with the non-profit, Kindred and Company which create adoption books and create safe spaces for the adoption triad which is comprised of the birth mom, the adoptee, and the adoptive parent. For more information visit Kindred and Company

Ashlee can be found at:
Instagram @a.s.coaching
Facebook @a.s.coaching 

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