I felt so stuck last year, and I was arguing with God about it - “You made me a go-getter and gave me these big dreams, why am I sitting at a standstill?” Ever felt that way?  Turns out asking God questions is a really good thing to do…because He answers!  Holy Spirit whispered back, “even when you feel stuck, I’m still moving.” Wow.  This revelation shifted my perspective completely.  What if we lived like God is always up to something and we aren’t stuck,  just on pause for His perspective?  What if we learned how to live with a heaven mindset instead of a human mindset, knowing that whatever we’re dealing with is an opportunity to know God in a new way?  In this episode, I share my journey from feeling stuck to being free, and the tools that got me there and help me stay in that place of freedom.  ‘Cause let’s be honest, this all sounds good but living this out in the everyday moments is when it gets real!!