To be in your true power is to live authentically as yourself in every moment – shedding the masks, facing your fears and freeing yourself from past conditioning.

How is this achieved?

Through discovering and loving your shadows – the parts of yourself you beat-up on, suppress, avoid and judge – that remain lurking in your unconscious and cause continual suffering in life. 

Working with unconscious shadows is essential to any person who takes their spiritual journey seriously and who wishes to become the conscious creator and authority of their own life.

In this episode, discover The Four Portals Into Shadow Work to Ignite Your Power:

Reflect on your childhood and ask yourself, what were you praised for as a child? What were you criticized for as a child?
Reclaim these parts of yourself! Give yourself full permission to release yourself from limiting beliefs.Embodied self-enquiry: dive into the depths of your unconscious and mine what’s under the trigger. Let yourself discover what’s at the root.Conscious relationships: those around you are your mirror. Listen to the repeated reflections you receive. Perhaps they’re right!Inner union dialogue. Your inner feminine will tell your masculine and vice versa. What’s unconscious to one part of yourself won’t be to another.

And find out the important difference between

Projections vs observation on your spiritual growth journeyDark, shadow and evilCharge and emotion

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