Do you turn on your phone as soon as you wake up? When your alarm goes off, do you jump to what you "need" to do?  How you spend your first five minutes sets you up for the rest of your day. And how you spend your day is how you spend your life...

In this episode, Raven shares the importance of a morning routine and how to best start the day to awaken the heart and manifest the life we desire. 

This episode includes practical tips for a quick and effective morning practice and explores:

Allowing the mind to let go of youVibrating the emotional body to clean and clear ourselves for the dayEmbodied gratitude (not cheesy platitudes from the mind!)How to support a Divine Masculine container to allow your inner intuition (Divine Feminine) to flow effortlessly Making action lists that action your feminine visions, not just masculine "do-do-do!"Keys for embodied manifestation techniques

This talk was recorded at Embodied Awakening School’s Soul Leadership Retreat in 2019.  For more information about online courses see or sign up for our newsletter for Tantric tools and tips that are guaranteed to change your life, see here: