In today's episode of Love, Sex, and Freedom, Raven shares her profound journey from a pre-Tantra life shaped by meditation and mindset work to embracing Tantra amidst life's trials like cancer and past abuse. She beautifully articulates Tantra as a holistic journey, transcending physicality to embrace the interplay of masculine and feminine energies. Tantra isn't just about sex; it's a sacred path to self-realization and liberation, inviting us to embrace our bodies and emotions for healing and freedom.

Raven gently guides listeners to release resistance and judgment, embracing unconditional self-love. Join us on this soulful journey, illuminated by love, liberation, and the exploration of our true selves.

Key takeaways from this episode:
- [03:24]  Facing Personal Challenges and Discovering Tantra
- [08:58]  Embracing the Shadows: The Path to Wholeness
- [11:21]  Tantra vs. Traditional Mindset and Personal Development
- [13:40]  The Body as the Unconscious: A New Realm of Discovery
- [15:15]  Confronting and Integrating Inner Work and Shadows
- [17:14]  Embodiment and Surrender: The True Path to Awakening
- [20:30]  Tantra as Life: Embracing Every Aspect of Existence
- [30:07]  The Call to Become Warriors of Truth

Quotes from Episode:
"True Tantra is the end of trying. We stop trying to fix and instead, we get curious about those parts of us so that we can actually integrate them into wholeness because Tantra is about becoming whole.  It's about living in a state of embodiment that says yes to all the parts." 

"The conscious mind is a very thin layer and what you think you need to work on consciously  and what you're talking about as the story of your life is nothing compared to the metamorphosis that is held in making what's unconscious conscious." 

Links from Episode:
- Tanta 101:
- Embodied Awakening Academy:
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: