In today's episode, we explore the nuanced art of emotional release. The discussion revolves around the crucial balance between confronting and fully experiencing emotions, with a caution against becoming ensnared in over-processing. Drawing from her personal experiences, Raven guides us on applying tantric teachings, providing practical insights into navigating emotional landscapes and addressing significant milestones, such as the grief process.

Raven also takes a focused look at the complexities of trauma, shedding light on how societal pressures often coerce us into suppressing our anger. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking critique of societal expectations surrounding trauma expression, encouraging us to authentically convey our emotions and embrace life's inherent complexities for a more fulfilling existence.

Key takeaways from this episode:
- The Importance of the grieving process
- The struggles of new mothers
- The role of adrenaline in emotional processing
- Understanding hard and soft trauma

Quotes from Episode:

"Anger is one of the most powerful emotions for infusing your life with Life Force energy, but it is often denied in our culture because people don’t know how to express anger healthily."

"Scream into your hands, stamp your feet! Spend 10 minutes doing this instead of bypassing your emotional body. Avoid falling into distractions, addictions, or sinking into a well of self-pity within a never-ending loop of processing and mistakenly labeling it as spirituality."

Links from this episode: 

- Embodied Awakening Academy -
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats -