Hey everyone, welcome to this episode of the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast! Today, we’re going to talk about some of the challenges we face when we have stuck energy and how hard and soft trauma impacts our nervous system. It’s really interesting to see how traditional masculine teachings can sometimes be limiting when it comes to this. But don't worry, we'll explore how masculine and feminine principles can coexist beautifully, and can empower us to live a life filled with bliss instead of constant struggle. 

Raven will share some personal stories and experiences, along with guided meditations, to help you discover what a bliss-filled life looks like for you. We’ll discuss practices that support emotional release and help cultivate a non-judgmental presence. These tools are amazing for embracing your true power, balancing your internal energies, and fostering healthier relations

Key takeaways from this episode:
- [00:26] Unlocking Emotional Freedom Through Tantra
- [03:25] Embracing the Feminine Approach to Healing
- [05:12] The Power of Acknowledging and Feeling Emotions
- [26:17] Healing and Reparenting Our Inner Child
- [37:41] The Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energies
- [40:20] Creating Safety and Connection in Relationships
- [43:06] Embracing Self-Responsibility and Inner Union

Quotes from Episode:
“When you have that safety within yourself, you won't tolerate someone treating you like shit anymore because you're not treating yourself like shit. You won't tolerate someone abandoning you because you're no longer abandoning yourself. You won't tolerate someone not listening or respecting you because you're listening and respecting yourself.” 

“Life wasn't meant to be a struggle. We are wired for bliss. You are fundamentally worthy of a life that's fucking amazing and when those struggles come, when you're living in alignment, they're just there to show you where even more expansion is possible.” 

Links from Episode:
- Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
- Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/