Today's episode features a recent Instagram Live between Chantelle and Tara, where they discuss the intricate web of limiting beliefs surrounding money, wealth, and abundance. They explore how our spiritual practices can integrate with our financial lives to create a harmonious balance that nourishes both our souls and our bank accounts. 

Chantelle shares her transition from a life of frugality to one of abundance, emphasizing the importance of honoring the feminine desire for beauty, comfort, and richness. Also, Tara reflects on her upbringing, which was marked by conflicting parental influences on money, and how she reconciled these through spiritual practice and embraced the flow of abundance. 

Together, they highlight the significance of recognizing and reshaping our unconscious beliefs about money, stressing that it is not merely a material necessity but a powerful energy that can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment. By tapping into our inner wisdom, we can shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, from fear to trust, and from limitation to infinite possibility.

Key takeaways from this episode:
- [06:30] Raven's Story: Overcoming Dual Parental Influences
- [10:01] The Power of Mentorship
- [13:00] Identifying and Releasing Limiting Beliefs
- [17:00] Embracing Abundance and Luxury
- [21:30] Manifesting Financial Freedom
- [25:00] The Role of Gratitude and Generosity

Quotes from the Episode:
- "The more money I spend on what truly nourishes me, the more money that comes to me."
- "Manifesting from a place of needing security is different from manifesting from a place of expansion and joy."

Links from Episode:
- Tanta 101: 
- Embodied Awakening Academy:
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: