In today's episode, Raven explores codependency, financial consciousness, and the transformative journey through Tantra.

Unravelling the correlation between attraction and missing aspects within oneself, Raven prompts introspection on energies lacking in relationships or personal ventures, igniting a catalyst for healing. She then delves into financial consciousness, urging listeners to confront money-related limiting beliefs, emphasizing manifesting abundance by expanding the nervous system. She underscores a crucial point: transcending limitations requires more than a mindset shift; it must be physically embodied.

This episode serves as a guide for a holistic approach to self-discovery, intimate connections, and financial empowerment, highlighting the integral blend of mental and physical dimensions in true transformation.

Key takeaways from this episode:
- Understanding codependency in relationships
- Exploring the masculine and feminine within
- The mindset and embodiment of money
- Expanding your capacity to hold more money
- The concept of trust and surrender

Quotes from Episode:

“There's this amazing thing called expanding your nervous system through the quantum fields. You have the power to create, heal, and receive anything that is within the realm of possibility. Possibilities are infinite, and you are the only thing standing between yourself and whatever you're desiring.”

“If you're just telling yourself that you're worthy of having money but you're not having a felt sense of that in your body, then your body's not going to believe what's happening and you won't authentically expand your nervous system to increase your capacity to receive.”

Links from this episode:
-  Embodied Awakening Academy -
- Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats -