Invoke the strength, courage and protection of the Warrior energy into your life. Learn to call in the Warrior when you need support to speak your truth, have a difficult conversation, set a boundary, face a fear, or to get focused and determined. The Warrior is with you always to show up in the world as unapologetically you!

Note: All of these meditations are applicable for both Men and Women. Tantra recognises that the path to Inner Union and wholeness includes cultivating both the Masculine and Feminine qualities that reside in all of us. So try them both for each archetype!

Archetypes are the underlying forces in the human experience, which all of us tap into in our most primal human moments. They are parts of us we are not aware of – so they are influencing us without us knowing it. They influence everything we do, think and feel, and they are influencing everyone around us in a similar way. With that in mind, making these energies conscious allows us to use their qualities to our benefit, rather than letting their ‘shadow expressions’ influence our lives unconsciously. So, like all shadow work, working with archetypes is for the purpose of making what’s unconscious, conscious. Through embodiment practices you can get to know the archetypes and their qualities that are expressing themselves through you and others, and create a truely magical life for yourself with their gifts.