As an Embodied Alchemist, Jess Maitri guides you in accessing ALL of your multidimensional Self, to ground and anchor your highest expression and purpose on the earth.

Jess holds a unique blend of eastern and western wisdom, through 10 years of private practice as an Licensed Clinical Social Worker, multiple trainings and thousands of hours as a certified yoga therapist, transformational breathwork guide, and Reiki master. Jess has claimed her gift as a skilled intuitive healer, able to access higher dimensional information and guidance for those she works with.

As more individuals are navigating multiple levels of awakening, Jess assists other helpers and healers of all modalities and professional backgrounds who desire to step into their next level of service. As your guide, Jess and the client co-create intentions, and follow the body’s intuition, access the subconscious, and unlock stuck energy held in the body for lasting healing.

Jess leads a path of sovereignty and personal freedom, and invites you to do the same. She invites you to embrace JOY, FREEDOM, and what it means to be fully ALIVE in your BODY.

Jess Maitri


IG: yothera_method

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IG: @marisaradhaweppner