According to Scripture, the final world government (as described in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation Chapters 13-18), will be headed by the Antichrist, aided by the False Prophet, and will control the whole world for a period of time which Scripture says will be seven years.

Many emperors and kings in the past have tried in vain to conquer the world. Alexander the Great, the Roman Caesars, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolph Hitler,

Islamists, etc. have all had a go at it. And while their endeavors met with varying degrees of success, none ever conquered the entire world. Furthermore, none could even one hundred percent control the territories they had already conquered. 

What will be different with this final government and its leader, is that through the totalitarian policies being put into place today, along with the rapid advancements in information technology and artificial intelligence, this final Beast system will be able to control everything with 100% efficiency. This is the convergence we see coming together today.

The deeper we delve into these prophetic precursors, the more evident it becomes that we are quickly approaching the Rapture of God’s True Church and the Tribulation events that will follow that glorious event!

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