Many have taken quarantine time to self-reflect, helping pave the way to healthier relationships. Folks are reporting more clarity into what they want in life. Life is short and at the end of the day, relationships are what matters most. Dr. Diana and her guest Dr. Nancy Sutton Pierce had so much to discuss, especially since they both practice what they preach!  Dr. Nancy is a sex and relationship author, podcaster, international speaker, and sensuality educator. She and her husband Mark, an M.D., co-host the Conscious Living Show. On a recent program they spoke of entertaining each other during quarantine and taking full advantage of their time alone. Dr. Diana’s book—Love in the Time of Corona: Advice from a Sex Therapist for Couples in Quarantine—highlights the same message. The docs spoke about playfulness and leaving judgements behind so that sex can be more adventurous! Spice it up!


Another Dr. Nancy show is Wild Women with Wine that she co-hosts with Karenlee Poter of Sex Talk With My Mom. Dr. Nancy’s counseling practice includes giving guidance and advice to singles for dating in a socially distanced world. There’s a new normal and the pandemic has rewritten the rules of dating. There may be a much longer courtship conducted over Zoom. Jotting down some conversation topics and questions in advance can help with nervousness: What have you learned about yourself? What would you love to do if there were no constraints? What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? Finally a couple meets and the first kiss could trigger thoughts of infection rather than infatuation. Or, they could progress to sex faster than usual – these people have already spent considerable time getting to know each other long distance. Dr. Nancy also discussed her Exotic Lifestyle Retreats, an intimacy oasis in Jamaica. Dr. Nancy’s openness, deep knowledge, and sense of fun adventure shines in this interview!