In this podcast hosted by A Course of Love facilitators Lynn Kidd and Laurel Elstrom, Suzanne Quinney responds to the following questions:

1) What does love mean to you?
2) (a) I think a lot of people have heard of Findhorn, the intentional community in Scotland, but I understand that it has evolved beyond its beginnings. Years ago when I heard Peter Caddy speak, I was fascinated by his description of the founders’ work with nature spirits and by their efforts to communicate with them. It seemed magical. Is this emphasis on nature still practiced today? How has it evolved? (b) Can you clarify how co-creating works in the Findhorn community?
3) (a) What are some personal examples of NEW ways of togetherness being born in the collaborative atmosphere @ Findhorn? (b) In what ways have you personally transformed living within community?
4) Another subject we want to touch on today is that of taize singing. I have participated in a taize service myself and found it extremely peaceful and sacred. Can you talk a little about what taize is and how it contributes to community?
5) (Question of the week) I have always longed to belong to a group of people who really support and care about each other. Our culture provides plenty of surface level interaction, but aside from joining an existing intentional community, what can I do to connect with people on a deep level? How is love the answer to finding the kind of genuine connection I crave?

Suzanne and her husband have formed their own business in the UK which provides training and facilitation for using appreciative inquiry. Suzanne is currently a member of the Findhorn community in Scotland, and is a longtime student of A Course of Love and A Course in Miracles. She is inspired by and loves Taize singing. Her website is The Findhorn Foundation's website is

LOVE IS THE ANSWER is a podcast that explores the POWER OF LOVE in real life. We look for answers to the problems we face within our lives. What if the solution is right within us? What if LOVE is the answer? In each episode, we ask our guests questions related to ordinary life situations, and let them share their experiences with living from love.


A Course of Love:
Hosts: Laurel Elstrom, Lynn Kidd
Guest: Suzanne Quinney
Podcast Editor: Rodrigo P. Cayres
Date: Recorded on August 21, 2020
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Taize Song: