Boundaries are a tricky subject for many of us, including yours truly. Setting them, keeping them and the implications on our health and wellbeing when we ignore our boundaries is something that many of us don't explore enough, which is exactly the focus of this episode.

Erin Matlock is a speaker, coach, and entrepreneur who is passionate about suicide prevention and helping people understand the role they play in creating chaos in their own life. Boundaries can be everything from your tone of voice to your posture or your silence, and it is only by understanding your boundaries that you can start to set them from a place of confidence instead of insecurity. 

Communication and clarity are key when setting boundaries, and it takes a willingness to get through the discomfort of knowing someone may not like you to protect the standards of your own intuition. Instead of going back to a situation with liquid boundaries, learn how to set yourself up for success through realistic expectations and positive frequencies for a healthier mind. 

Do you have a difficult time setting boundaries? Share your experience with us in the comments on the episode page


In This Episode

How to take a look at the boundaries and expectations that surround your life Tools to set yourself up for boundary-pushing from your clients and/or family Explore the role of enabling when setting boundaries and in suicide prevention Understanding your self-worth and your value to the world and to yourself Ways to feel better by offering kindness and connection on a human level



“When you are communicating yourself to someone, we have to stand up and understand that there is going to be pushback. The way I deal with that is I remove myself from the situation and I seek people who make me feel good.” (7:14) 

“How you deal with it, how you feel about it, whether they meet the expectations or not, that is completely up to us.” (19:20) 

“The thing is, in the end, each human being is going to make their decision.” (23:36) 

“Ever since it happened to me it was my responsibility on how to heal it, my responsibility to get well, my responsibility to be in recovery which is where I am at today.” (28:09)

“We think about it as, how am I supposed to serve in this moment? And serving does not mean being liked.” (40:49)



Worth It by Erin Matlock

Erin Matlock Website

Follow Erin on Facebook


Find the full show notes for this episode here

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