Dr. Micheal Murray literally wrote the Textbook of Natural Medicine and has a passion for discovering new ways to harness the healing power of nature to improve our health. Dr. Murray believes in the power of positive thinking, diet, lifestyle and natural supplements to help you overcome the challenges in your life and open yourself up to a greater amount of personal development and life experience. A leading researcher in natural compounds, author of over 40 books, and so much more, Dr. Murray is here to help empower you to be the guardian of your own mind, body, and thoughts.

The belief that life happens to us is simply untrue, and Dr. Murray is passionate about helping others step into their own power, and embrace ‘awe’ and peace to get more of what you want out of life. Today Dr. Murray is explaining exactly how to harness natural products to improve your mood, how optimism actually helps your cells metabolize and detoxify, and ways to use bio-feedback to calm yourself down and infuse the cells in your body with gratitude.

By creating a more positive and open mindset you can help your body release toxins and stay healthier. Type two diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, and many other inflammatory disease symptoms could be improved with less toxic exposure and a little can-do attitude. This is the only body you have, so why not do everything in your power to have functioning optimally for you?

In the end, love is the essence of who we really are, and Dr. Murray believes that by instilling love in a person, ultimate healing can take place. Dr. Murray is here to examine important factors to help you preserve your ideal health and create an attitude based on love and healing.

What was your favorite part of this interview, and what would you love for us to discuss the next time Dr. Murray in on the show? Leave me a comment on the episode page and let me know your thoughts!


In This Episode

How to keep a healthy and productive perspective through life's challenging times Using optimism and a positive mental attitude to rid your body of chemical compounds Why the human act of remembering impacts our attitudes and our physiology The importance of framing love as an active and disciplinary action Which emotions offer the greatest protection against inflammation and disease



“It is possible that everything is a gift, and that includes some of these tough times we have to go through.” (6:15)

“Everything is interrelated. Every thought, every emotion, every experience that we have makes an impression on our subconscious mind and our overall health.” (14:04)

“Hope is a powerful medicine, and love is probably the most powerful experience we can ever have, and it certainly is powerful healing energy as well.” (19:02)

“We need to take time to nourish our soul and to love yourself.” (37:13)

“I think these things are absolutely critical for health, for having a positive life and having a great experience here on this planet.” (39:27)



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