This episode is proudly sponsored by WorkStep. WorkStep makes the supply chain a better place to work. WorkStep’s leading software empowers companies to hire and retain their hourly workforce for the long run, while improving outcomes for critical frontline workers. For more information on WorkStep, visit***Dan Johnston is the co-founder and CEO of WorkStep. He’s worked with some of the largest companies in the world to help them transform their approach to workforce management with cutting-edge technology.Highlights“The shortage of these frontline workers is a real thing and it’s reached critical mass.” [2:27] Marcel opens by discussing how important frontline workers are – and why today’s conversation is more relevant than ever.“At WorkStep, we help large companies better hire and, most critically, retain the frontline workforce across their supply chain. We empower companies with software that helps them source better fit hires and help them understand why their employees are leaving, what they can do about it, and how they can measure the impact of those initiatives… It’s a win for both sides,” [9:51] says Dan, discussing the role of his company WorkStep.“The top driver of turnover is career growth. Those employees who don’t feel like their company is investing in them in the same way they are investing in the company, who don’t feel there are opportunities to grow their skills, grow their wages, and grow their careers within an organization, are the employees who are most likely to quit. Those workers who are most aligned to that growth pathway are most likely to stay,” [13:25] Dan says. According to WorkStep research, the desire for career growth is the number one driver of employee turnover.“What’s interesting about those findings is that the pay is important now, but it wasn’t the top factor.”[16:09] Marcel points out that pay, while important, isn’t the leading cause of turnover.“What tends to drive people to quit is when things are different than what they expected.”[18:33] Dan remarks that problems arise when employees encounter unforeseen issues in new roles. “Especially when we’re talking about the frontline industries, with very high turnover, that new hire period is going to be very critical. Many organizations lose half of their new employees during those first 90 days.” [28:55] Dan points this out to discuss how leaders should focus on the new hire period. “Whether you buy from WorkStep or not, ensure that you’re listening to the voice of your frontline associates, analyzing what they’re saying objectively (and ideally, in real-time), and acting on the true drivers of turnover.”[34:40] Dan recognizes that this is the singular strategy for fighting turnover. “We want our workers to succeed, even to the extent that we may lose them to a competitor. But while they’re under our care, we’re gonna do whatever it takes to empower the heck out of them. It makes business sense because if we are empowering them, and loving them well, and caring for their needs, of course, there’s gonna be a higher return on their energy and of course productivity,” [37:20] Marcel says, pointing to the importance of nurturing talent.“You can save money on turnover… But it’s also the right thing to do. You, as a leader, have the opportunity to do something that improves the job (and therefore the life) of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of workers.” [42:00] Dan ends with some important info – fighting turnover is a good business decision, and an ethical one too. ResourcesMarcel Schwantes: www.Marcelschwantes.comInc. article: RETAIN: Dan: [email protected]