For our latest all-question extravaganza, we begin with Nick Young (Crazy Rich Asians), wondering if he was wrong to lie to his girlfriend about how rich he was while they were dating. Alex is surprisingly empathetic to the difficulties of dating when there might be other factors affecting perception, and Andy calls out how weird …

For our latest all-question extravaganza, we begin with Nick Young (Crazy Rich Asians), wondering if he was wrong to lie to his girlfriend about how rich he was while they were dating. Alex is surprisingly empathetic to the difficulties of dating when there might be other factors affecting perception, and Andy calls out how weird it is that rich people buy their partners gifts as “rewards.”

After that, things get modestly serious as Michael Corleone (Godfather II) asks how to internally handle his wife getting an abortion that he ultimately supports her decision for despite personal pain about it. Andy commends his willingness to be supportive despite his reservations, Alex reminds him that it’s okay to grieve even when making a good decision, and nobody makes an inappropriate joke about whacking.

On a more light-hearted note, Remy (Ratatouille) asks how to navigate their roommates ruining a vegetarian dish they were making and then mocking it and saying it was tasteless. Andy discusses the importance of forthright communication and self-advocacy while Alex stops himself from yelling about clueless meat-eaters.

And to end on another serious note, Pacha (The Emperor’s New Groove) looks to figure out how to tell his sister of his suspicions that her manipulative husband is poisoning their son. Andy discusses the practicality of making such an assertion and how it should be presented while Alex discusses fallout and weighing risk and reward in life-threatening circumstances, while both of them agree this question was probably faked.