#189 Dr. Mona Morstein has been a naturopathic physician for thirty-one years. She graduated from and did a residency at National College of Naturopathic Medicine.  She was Chair of Nutrition, Gastroenterology professor and Clinical Supervisor at a naturopathic medical school.  She now has her own clinic, Arizona Integrative Medical Solutions, in Tempe, AZ.

Dr. Morstein has a busy gastrointestinal focused medical practice. She has been on all three SIBO SOS Summit series and has done numerous webinars/lectures on SIBO and other gastrointestinal conditions. 

Dr. Morstein is recognized as an expert on diabetes. Her 560 page book “Master Your Diabetes: A Comprehensive, Integrative Approach to Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes,” is an in-depth, evidenced based, educational book for both patients and physicians.  She is the founder and Executive Director of the Low Carb Diabetes Association, a 501c3 education non-profit.

I have wanted to get Mona on for some time now as I have seen many of her lectures and just love the way in which she delivers well researched information so clearly and with much enthusiasm. 

In this episode we cover:

How common gallstones and cholecystectomies are The main reasons people get their gallbladder out Who is at most risk of developing gallstones The different types of gallstones that exist What Biliary Colic and cholecystitis is The best way to assess for gallstones Treatments for gallstones - conventional medicine and functional medicine  And so much more