#138 Dr. Jason Wysocki is a practicing naturopathic physician and graduate of the National University for Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. He holds a Master’s degree in Counseling and has worked in various aspects of mental health for over 15 years. During his tenure at NUNM, Dr. Wysocki was selected for a prestigious one-year internship at the SIBO Center for Digestive Health. 

He was also the first naturopathic student to complete a one-year integrated internship for Pacific University’s Psychology and Comprehensive Health Clinic. Dr. Wysocki also completed certification, including advanced clinical training, with the New England School of Homeopathy (NESH). He is also a certified Structural Integration practitioner.

Dr. Wysocki has been involved in researching various natural interventions in the treatment of depression and anxiety, including a pioneering study addressing microbes and development of herb resistance. Dr. Wysocki’s research and clinical experience has been featured in various media such as the National Naturopathic Doctor News & Review (NDNR), SIBO SOS Summit, The Healthy Gut, SIBO Made Simple, and Dr. Ruscio Radio Podcast.

In his private practice, Dr. Wysocki’s practice focus is Mind-Body Medicine and “Whole” Person Mental Health.

In this episode we cover


How structural issues can affect gastrointestinal health What is structural integration What can cause structural issues The difference between an adhesion and a scar tissue Red flags that highlight someone may need structural integration work How emotions and spirit effect our body structurally How we choose a visceral manipulation therapist