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In this episode we interview Ronnie Skurow from Arizona.  Ronnie has been eating a raw food diet for around 20 years.  His raw food journey started when he met a woman that ran a raw food restaurant in Las Vegas.

His raw food diet improved when he met his wife Minh.  Minh was born in Vietnam and grew up often eating raw and fresh food. She is a gifted raw food chef.

Together they have given demonstration classes around the USA and have previously taught at the Living Light Culinary Institute.

In this interview, we find out more about his story from being the leader of the rock band Skurow, playing on some of the biggest stages around the USA to sharing his passion for raw foods around the US.

Learn more about Ronnie and Minh at their website: http://www.ubraw.com

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Learn more about a raw vegan lifestyle at UK Fruitfest, one of the world's best event for the raw vegan community: http://fruitfest.co.uk

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