We sit down with two professional women in their early 30s-- one a COVID healthcare hero nurse, Sig, and the other a lawyer, Erin, about their money woes, goals, and strategy, including:

* Where should I even start?* How do I balance paying off student debt with saving for a significant purchase like a boat?* What do I need to think about if my goal is to own property someday?* Is it true that single women in an expensive city like Toronto can never really hope to get ahead?* What exactly are index funds, and why should I invest in one?

...and more topics! For Money Wins, Joanna's desperate Corona times in TX call for desperate hair measures, and Leslie is having way too much fun drinking/walking on the golf courses of Ontario.

Want to ask us questions about your money situation? We'd love to have you, anonymously or otherwise! E-mail [email protected]