Please enjoy hearing form Renya Xydis, owner of Valonz Salon. She has had the most incredible career. Living through the 80’s, 90’s and the noughties. Seeing all the changes and shifts in our industry and embracing them all. Working with gorgeous models and celebrities, the editorial work, famous magazines and all while running successful salons and raising a family and most importantly sharing her BIG LOVE for this industry.

How can I thank you enough for giving me this time and this opportunity. You truely did touch my heart. Your passion and love is so clear, so pure and so beautiful. You reignited what I thought I had lost and challenged me to remember why I started. I haven't felt this inspired to be on the floor to do beautiful hair in a very long time. 

I hope when you listen you remember too. Renya is here to teach us all to bring back the love of your craft, remember why you started and to reinvent yourself.

A true creative artist. Thank you so much Renya from the bottom of my heart for joining me for @stylisttalk 

You can find Renya on instagram @renyaxydis and her salon @valonzhaircutters