What does it mean to give the Bible authority? In our conversation with Rev. Jay Hogewood, we lift up the centrality of scriptural authority to our common life and witness.

Staying is a special series of conversations on the value of staying with the United Methodist Church.

This video series is available on our Facebook page, our YouTube page and as a podcast, on our Louisiana NOW podcast platform.

Quite simply – there are some churches discussing whether they feel called to potentially leave the United Methodist Church. We think now is the time to discuss, share and reflect on the value of staying.

To be clear – the United Methodist Church is NOT splitting. Instead, there is a group of churches and congregations, some in Louisiana, who are discerning whether now is the time to leave the denomination over the issue of ordination and marriage of LGBTQ persons.

That issue is at the heart of their decision to leave. It's an issue that has been debated for over 50 years. This series of conversations is not about those particular issues. Instead, we want to talk about the value of staying and what that means for your church and your community.

At the same time, we want to set the record straight about a series of falsehoods, misinformation, and downright disinformation that are intentionally being spread by some wishing to harm the United Methodist Church.