Ben Zucker, co-founder and co-director of Step Up Louisiana, joins host Lynda Woolard for the second in a two-part series focusing on this relatively young statewide community group, and their mission of good jobs and good schools for Louisiana. Ben and his partner Maria Harmon, who was on our previous episode, are classic organizers. Ben is leading Step Up’s efforts on Economic Justice from New Orleans, while Maria leads their efforts on Education Justice from Baton Rouge. They’ve already racked up some impressive successes for a young organization founded by young leaders and powered by dedicated community members.

Connect with Step Up Louisiana on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, or through their website:

Click here to sign up for Step Up Louisiana’s mailing list.

Find more Louisiana Lefty content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and at LouisianaLefty.Rocks.

Nominate your favorite Louisiana organizer for our Organizer of the Month award.

Thanks to Ben Collinsworth for producing Louisiana Lefty, Jennifer Pack of Black Cat Studios for our Super-Lefty artwork, and Thousand Dollar Car for allowing us to use their swamp pop classic, Security Guard, as the Louisiana Lefty theme song.

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