We are happy to have 2 great guys on the show again this week from Symbiosis Games. Fred-Programmer & Jordan-Designer are a two man team behind the game Spectre, 2v2 isometrical multiplayer game. Inspired by but not a clone of Splinter Cell Chaos (Spy vs. Merc) Coming soon! Tune in to find out more details and what to expect from the game upon its release. 

WISHLIST SPECTRE! - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1531020/SPECTRE/

SPECTRE Coming soon  


SPECTRE DISCORD:https://discord.gg/spectregame

WEBSITE: https://www.symbiosisgames.com/

Loud Thumbs DISCORD chance at free games!  https://discord.gg/93wV5XKFz2

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