You’ve heard it as much as we have…”Leaders are readers!”
Here’s a list and links of books every leader should dive into:

“If you don’t know who you are as a person, you will never know who you are as a leader.”


New Creation Realities - E.W. Kenyon


Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul - Bill Hybels


The Power of Character in Leadership: How Values, Morals, Ethics, and Principles Affect Leaders - Dr. Myles Munroe


The Making of A Leader - Frank Damazio


Be Our Guest - (Anything by Doug Lipp)

The Power of Habit

Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity


In Search Of Excellence

Leadership Awakening: Foundational Principles for Lasting Success

List Of Authors:

Seth Godin

Dave Ramsey

Dr. Henry Cloud

Jim Collins

Dr. Samuel Chand

Dr. John Maxwell

Stephen Covey

Carson Tate

Dr. Caroline Leaf

Rachel Burchfield